38 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © LAB MOD SYSTEM FRAME PARTS LAB CONSUMABLES TOOLS PLIERS EQUIPMENTS LENSES REFRACTION & ORTHOPTIC INDEX Hexagonal, Star and Extended Nuts, All-in-one washers and nuts, Self-locking nickel-silver nuts, Dome nuts NUTS AND SPECIAL RIMLESS PARTS 1.3 Ref. 00368 Nickel Ref. 00368L Self-locking 50 pcs. Ref. 00339 Nickel Ref. 00369 Nickel Ref. 00368G Gold Ref. 00368B Gun HEXAGONAL NUT Ref. 02270 2,0 mm. M1,2 Ref. 02270 2,0 mm. M1,2 Ref. 02270 2,0 mm. M1,4 Ref. 02274 2,5 mm. M1,4 Ref. 02270 Hexagonal 2,0 mm Ref. 00452 Nickel Ref. 00453 Nickel Ref. 02276 2,6 mm. M1,2 Ref. 02276 2,6 mm. M1,4 Ø 1,75 x 2,7 mm. Ø 1,75 x 2,7 mm. REACH NUTS WITHWASHERS Ref. 01575 NICKEL-SILVER NUT KIT 1100 assorted pieces including the following models: M1,2 Ref. 298, 368, 368G, 368B (100 pcs./Ref.) Ref. 262, 342, 342G (50 pcs./Ref.) M1,4 Ref. 338, 338G, 338B, 339 (100 pcs./Ref.) Ref. 344, 263, 265 (50 pcs./Ref.) Tray included, suitable for new LMS Cube. 100 pcs. 50+50 pcs. Ref. 00342G Gold Ref. 02276 2,6 mm. M1,2 Ref. 02276 2,6 mm. M1,2 Ref. 00344G Gold Ref. 00344B Gun Ref. 02276 2,6 mm. M1,4 Ref. 02276 2,6 mm. M1,4 Ref. 00262 Nickel Ref. 02270 2,9 mm. M1,2 2,0 mm. Ref. 00263 Nickel Ref. 02270 2,9 mm. M1,4 2,0 mm. Ref. 00265 Nickel Ref. 02272 2,25 mm. M1,4 50 pcs. 50 pcs. 50 pcs. DOME NUTS ALL-IN-ONE WASHER AND NUT SELF-LOCKING HEXAGONAL NUTS Ref. 00342 Nickel Ref. 00342K 300 pcs. -20% Ref. 00344 Nickel Ref. 00344K 300 pcs. -20% LONGTHREADED PINS Ref. 00235 Titanium Pins 50 pcs. Teflon® locking washer Ref. 02276 Star 2,6 mm Ref. 00298 Nickel Ref. 00307 Nickel Ref. 00338 Nickel Ref. 00321 Nickel Ref. 00306 Nickel Ref. 02276 2,6 mm. M1,4 Ref. 02276 2,6 mm. M1,4 Ref. 02276 2,6 mm. M1,3 Ref. 02276 2,6 mm. M1,2 Ref. 02276 2,6 mm. M1,5 Ref. 02276 2,6 mm. M1,6 STAR NUTS 00298G Gold 00338G Gold 00338B Gun 100 pcs. 00298K Nickel 00338K Nickel 300 pcs. -20% M1,2 10 mm.