NEW 2° degree - Flat fusion or Binocularity 29 7.3 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © DIAGNOSTICS Ref. 08311 Red occluder 1 pc. Ref. 08349 Black translucent occluder 1 pc. Ref. 08317 White light pen 135 mm - 1 pc. 2 batteries AAA 1,5V included. Ref. 08306 Flashlight with 4 coloured dots (one red, two green and one white) with a diameter of 6mm each and anaglyph glasses with red-green filters. Test performed to assess the presence of flat binocular fusion and its stability in different gaze positions from near and to detect the presence or absence of monolateral and/or alternating suspension or suppression. The test can be performed while wearing prescription lenses or with trial lenses, in low lighting conditions. Worth's test should also be performed in cases of reduced visual acuity that does not improve with the pinhole test. 3 Batteries AA 1,5V not included. WORTH 4 DOT FLASHLIGHT WITH RED-GREEN GLASSES The red occluder determines a level of dissociation between the two eyes. The purpose of the test is to evaluate the fusional stability (hence the quality) of binocular vision at different distances and in different gaze positions. The red filter test can highlight the presence or absence of suspension or suppression of the monolateral and alternating type. It is recommended to use the pen-light and the black occluder to carry out the test. RED FILTER + PENLIGHT + OCCLUDER