Lang Stereo Test - For children - No polarizing glasses necessary 32 7.3 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © DIAGNOSTICS The Lang Stereotest is an easy-to-use screening-test designed for early detection of problems with stereoscopic vision in children. The 3D test objects appear each on a different level. Seen with only one eye (monocular vision), these stereograms do not show any shapes, while, upon binocular inspection, the figures, typically in different depths, can be seen. Using distance: 30-40 cm LANG STEREOTEST I Ref. 08395 The Lang Stereotest I shows a car (550”), a star (600”) and a cat (1200”). LANG STEREOTEST II Ref. 08396 The Lang Stereotest II shows a moon (200”), a truck (400”) and an elephant (600”). In addition, the Lang Stereotest II contains a star that can also be seen with one eye only (monocular vision).