ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © 17 Power lenses for Diving Masks PRESCRIPTION LENSES Provide us with the requested powers and the colour of the mask. Accepted values: Sum of sphere+cylinder -15/+12, Cylinder max 6. The value of sphere and cylinder of each lens can either have a + or - power, but can not be mixed. Sf Cyl. Asse Per distanza Occhio Destro Occhio Sinistro A permanenza Per Vicino Sf Cyl. Asse INTERNAZIONALE TABO D. INTERPUPILLARE mm 180° 180° 0° 180° 0° 0° 150° 150° 30° 30° 120° 60° 60° 120° 90° 90° 150° 30° 120° 60° 90° Somma Sfera + Cilindro FINO A +/-5.00 Sum Sphe Sum of Sphere + Cylinder UP TO +/-5.00 Glass Lens Sum of Sphere + Cylinder OVER +/-5.00 Titanium Lens Clear/Blue Black/Black Ref.12243 Ref.12247